- Enjoys and appreciates books
- Looks at books from left to right
- Story comprehension and can derive meaning from print
- Recall stories
- Phonic and phonological awareness
- Print awareness and concepts
- Alphabet knowledge; can repeat the alphabet and recognize upper and lower case letters
Language Development and Communication
- Listening and expressing ideas
- Receptive language
- Uses words to respond with relate information
- Expresses self using expanded phrases and sentences
- Can discriminate linguistic sounds
- Understands and follows directions
- Participates in conversations with peers and teachers
- Shares life experiences and events
- Asks questions and expresses ideas
- Participates in cause and effect activities
- Uses scientific knowledge and language
- Explores their environment and shows a curiosity about their surroundings
- Experiments with materials
- Observes, questions, and can hypothesize about their environment
- Uses prior knowledge to predict future outcomes
- Children use their senses to explore materials inside and outside the classroom
- Recognizes and replicates patterns
- Classify and sort materials
- Uses measurement skills in a variety of ways
- Recognizes numbers and can count objects
- Recognizes and names common shapes
- One to one correspondence
- Can match numerals to objects
- Uses math terms such as less, more, fewer, and many
- Arranges objects in a series (i.e. large-small, small-large)
Social/Emotional Development (self-concept, growth and self control with peer interactions)
- Enjoys play and seeks out interactions with others
- Plays cooperatively
- Expresses needs and feelings and seeks assistance when needed
- Respects the rights and feelings of others
- Actively participates in resolving conflicts
- Uses language to compromise and negotiate with peers
- Exhibits self control
- Possesses positive self concept
- Able to separate from familiar people and objects
- Being able to establish positive and trusting relationships with teachers
- Recognizes and maintains feelings appropriately
- Self pride
Social Studies
- Recognizes and responds to the ways people are the same or different
- Understands concepts of past, present, and future
- Children learn about their families and communities
- Art appreciation
- Creative expression
- Self-expression through the arts (music, art medium, movement, and dramatic play)
Physical Health and Development
Gross Motor
- Children demonstrate motor skills (i.e. running, galloping, jumping, hopping, etc.)
- Demonstrates balance (walks heel toe)
- Climbs
- Can throw, kick, and catch a ball
Fine Motor
- Hand-eye coordination
- Can write and draw with a variety of tools (crayons, markers, pens, paintbrushes, etc.)
- Body awareness
- Demonstrates an appropriate energy level
- Self-regulate body
- Participates in sensory activities *due to COVID-19 guidelines sensory activities are contained in individual bins; the table used for sensory experiences is cleaned and sanitized between each child
- Appropriately responds to sensory input
Healthy Habits
- Shows independence with self-help skills (i.e. dressing, toileting, hand washing, etc.)
- Awareness of safety and health rules (i.e. sneezing into elbow, turtle toes)
We feel that play is the primary mechanism for children’s development in all areas of learning. Therefore our curriculum is designed to meet the needs of all of our children through a play-oriented approach.
The types of activities offered at our school, over the course of a week, will include:
Creative Art---i.e. Painting, drawing, gluing, cutting, molding, and sculpting.
Science---i.e. Magnets, scales, microscopes, mixing, observing and predicting.
Sensory---i.e. Play dough, shaving cream, cornstarch, sand table, water play and bubbles. *due to COVID-19 guidelines sensory activities are contained in individual bins; the table used for sensory experiences is cleaned and sanitized between each child
Literacy---i.e. Poems, stories, story tapes, flannel boards, book making, and draw and tell books.
Math---i.e. Measuring, estimating, counting, matching, classifying and sorting.
Circletime---i.e. Finger plays, movement games, songs, stories, weather, calendar, and ‘sharing’ time.
Manipulatives---i.e. Connectors, Lego’s (large and small), Lincoln logs, lacing cards, unifex cubes and pegs.
Block Area---i.e. Foam blocks, wooden blocks, lettered blocks, and cardboard blocks.
Gross Motor---i.e. Climbers, trikes, big wheels, slides ‘Tumblebus’, parachutes, and balls.
Dramatic Play---i.e. Dress-up area, restaurant play, lemonade stand, farm stand, grocery store and post office.